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Janet Cruz

Secretary: Principal Es

Tanya Martin

Principal: Elementary School

Allison Ocana

Clerk: Elementary School

Cindy Rael

Principal: Elementary School

Monica Rimbert

Coordinator: Community Schools

Teachers & Librarians

Adaline Bouldin

Teacher: Classroom

Daniela Chavira

Teacher: Classroom

Regina Davis

Teacher: Pre-K

Katrina Garcia Spillman

Teacher: Gifted

Zachary Houchens

Teacher: Physical Education

Osvaldo Hurtado

Teacher: Kindergarten

Pamela Irvin

Teacher: Classroom

Daysey Kortsch

Teacher: Classroom

Maria Lopez

Teacher: Classroom

Juanita Lovato

Teacher: Interventionist

Sabrina Lucero

Teacher: Bilingual Education

James Macklin

Teacher: Itinerant Music

Diane Maestas

Teacher: Bilingual Education

Alexis Martinez Pino

Teacher: Classroom

Laura Mediano Trujillo

Teacher: Pre-K

Michael Menor

Teacher: Classroom

Maria Munoz

Teacher: Classroom

Cassandra Neri

Teacher: Kindergarten

Joseph Oconnell

Teacher: Physical Education

Alina Potrzebowski

Teacher: Physical Education

Katelyn Rock

Teacher: Classroom

Flor Rodriguez Graham

Teacher: Classroom

Winola Saavedra

Teacher: Classroom

Teles Sanchez

Teacher: Classroom

Leslie Segelhorst

Teacher: Kindergarten

Paloma Tarango

Teacher: Classroom

Jasmine Tata

Teacher: Classroom

Ashley Torres

Teacher: Classroom

Maria Torres

Teacher: Classroom

Athena Torretti

Teacher: Itinerant Art

Robin Weisman

Teacher: Classroom

Desiree Lopez


Special Education

Margarett Aguirre

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Maria Baton

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Daniel Conkle

Teacher: Adapted Pe

Geoffrey Dixon

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Lacey Dolney Bundy

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Crystal Hahn

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Paul Nelson

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Alejandra Reyes Pulgarin

Educ Asst: Sp Ed Kinder Pre

Sophia Rhodes

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Kim Salazar

Sp Ed Classroom Teacher

Educational Assistants

Dayani Aguinaga

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Gabrielle Aragon

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Araceli Arballo Gutierrez

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Susana Barraza

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Heather Burciaga

Educ Asst: Bilingual

Samantha Chavez

Educ Asst: Kinder Pre

Magda Curley

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Faith Deshong

Educ Asst: Behavior Redirector

Mariana Diaz

Educ Asst: Health

Debra Evans

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Martha Garcia

Educ Asst: Kindergarten

Maria Irish Pri Gellangala

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Dayana Gonzalez

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Mireya Gutierrez Ruiz

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Tamela Hedgpeth

Educ Asst: Behavior Redirector

Veronica Hernandez

Educ Asst: General Education

Maria Maldonado

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Duane Martinez

Educ Asst: Behavior Redirector

Cindy Orama

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Patricia Ramirez

Educ Asst: Special Ed

Alejandra Reyes Pulgarin

Educ Asst: Sp Ed Kinder Pre

Isabel Romero

Educ Asst: Kindergarten


Buck Alderete

Custodian: Head <6 Emp/Night

Pilar Brancard

Temps/Hourly: Intern

Louise Cobb


Alison Cooper


Mariana Diaz

Educ Asst: Health

Omar Fernandez Fraire

Custodian: D1

Drew Martinez

Custodian: D1

Virginia Martinez

Temps/Hourly: Counselor

Isaac Rodriguez Cortes

Custodian: D1

Andrew Romero

Custodian: D1

Gillian Stewart


Section 504 Coordinator

Diane Maestas

Teacher: Bilingual Education

Flor Rodriguez Graham

Teacher: Classroom