Family Center
The purpose of the Kit Carson Family Engagement Policy is to ensure that every family is involved to the maximum extent possible in their children's education and their school.
Title I Annual Meeting/”Open House”
The Title I Annual meeting is held in conjunction with “Open House”. Kit Carson holds its annual “Open House” during the first month of school. Families are presented with Title I information such as: Kit Carson’s school grade, family’s rights and responsibilities under Title I, and Title I funding. Kit Carson’s Title I Compact and Family Engagement Policy is introduced at this meeting.
Volunteer Opportunities
Kit Carson encourages families to become active volunteers. Dads may join the national program, “Watch D.O.G.S.” Parents can volunteer at the annual Book Fair, Campus Clean-up, in the classroom to provide support during RTI. Families are encouraged to provide input and join the Family Engagement Goal Team, or Instructional Council. Parent volunteers will be provided with a schedule from the Family Center after signing in as a visitor in the front office. Parents shall provide assistance in the form of volunteering which is in no way to be used as a form of “observing”. All “observations” are done by Administration. To become an active volunteer and learn more about volunteer opportunities the Family Liaison Monica Rimbert can be contacted and assist with a background check. 505-877-2724 x52244
Families are provided with the school and teacher’s contact information, (e-mail address, classroom extension) on the school website, from the teacher, and in the front office so that families may communicate with teachers and staff when information is needed about their children and any school information. Kit Carson uses various forms of communication to be in contact with families in English and Spanish such as the automated phone system, fliers, marquis, family event bulletin board, personal phone calls, newsletters, Kit Carson website, student agendas, and Parent/Teacher conferences.
Collaborate with the Community
Community-based programs such as GED/ESL classes (Catholic Charities), Title PreK, State PreK, RGEC, Sandia Labs, Explora, Bernalillo County, are used as resources to ensure that families are provided with resources needed to be involved with their children’s education, growth, and development.
Supporting Family
Kit Carson holds monthly meetings, (Cafecito), family curriculum nights, (Family Math, Reading, Science Night), parent/teacher conferences, (November & March) and family engagement workshops that serve as an opportunity for families to become familiar with their child’s education. Families will learn about “Common Core” standards, Math & Reading curriculum being used per grade level, and District/State Assessments through attending these events. Interpretation and childcare is provided at all meetings and events.
Partnering with Parents
Families are encouraged to make suggestions & participate in decisions being made that improve student achievement at Kit Carson by participating in the Family Engagement Goal Team and Instructional Council where school events (Family Curriculum Nights, family workshops, and classroom strategies) are planned and the 90 Day plan is visited. Families are encouraged to attend the meeting for revising the Title I Compact/Family Engagement Policy.
Contact Information
Monica Rimbert, Community School Coordinator
- (505) 877-2724 ex: 52244