Community Schools
The community schools strategy is grounded in addressing an equity strategy for which fairness is achieved through focusing on family needs so that all students experience high quality instruction and receive effective individual and family supports and services they need to succeed in school and the community.
Albuquerque Public Schools recognizes and values that Community Schools have a collective impact on the surrounding community that improves conditions for all those living there. Although the specific services, supports and opportunities available at individual Community Schools may vary dependent on local needs and resources, Albuquerque Public Schools shall strive to strategically identify potential Community Schools and integrate specific programs and services that support students, families, and community and align with the current NM Statute. into those Community Schools the following components and strategies aligned with New Mexico's state statute.
Community School Council Meeting- 09/26/2024 8:45am
Community School Coordinator
Monica Rimbert
505-877-2724 x52244