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Health Office Screenings

The health office screens the following students in the following grades at the beginning of the school year as follows:

  • Pre- K: Distance vision
  • Kinders: Complete Vision testing, hearing, height, Weight/BMI, Dental Check
  • 1st - 3rd: Distance Vision, Height, Weight/BMI, Dental Check

Asthma and/or Allergy Action Plans

In order for the health office to administer inhalers or Epi pens while at school Asthma Actions Plans and/or Allergy Action plans need to be signed annually at the beginning of the school year by your child’s pediatrician and yourself. If student is old enough they can carry their inhaler with them, however, we still need the signed asthma or allergy action plan in case emergency care is needed.

Picking Up Your Child Due to Illness

If you are picking up your child up due to illness from the health office please have your ID available and be ready to sign them out from us. This is an excused absence. We will call you to pick-up your child for any acute illness symptoms such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, moderate to severe pain and rash.

Your child can return to school when he or she is well enough to take part in school activities and has had no fever for 24 hours without medication (Tylenol, acetaminophen, Motrin, ibuprofen).



  • Mariana Diaz, Health Assistant,
    (505) 877-2724 ex: 52204
  • Amy King, Nurse,
    (505) 877-2724 ex: 52203

APS COVID-19 Protocol

Dear Kit Carson Parent/Guardians:

The Albuquerque Public Schools website posts the latest information regarding protocols for COVID-19 symptoms in school. To select a different language, please click on "Select Language" located in the bottom left corner of the website.

El sitio web de las Escuelas Públicas de Albuquerque pública la información más reciente sobre los protocolos para los síntomas de COVID-19 en la escuela. Por favor, haga clic en el enlace de abajo. Para seleccionar un idioma diferente, haga clic en "Seleccionar idioma" ubicado en la esquina inferior izquierda del sitio web.

COVID Symptoms in Schools

Thank you!
Amy King RN
Kit Carson Elementary School Nurse
1921 Byron Ave. SW
Albuquerque, NM 87105
Phone: 505-877-2724 ext. 52203
Fax: 505-877-1191